Nioh 2: Complete Edition includes all of the content from Nioh 2 along with all 3 DLC expansions, The Tengu’s Disciple, Darkness in the Capital, and The First Samurai. We hope you enjoy conquering fearsome monsters as you unleash your darkness in the world of Nioh 2. New to Nioh 2, your enemies can now create a Dark Realm which raises the stakes of battle and creates new challenges for your protagonist to overcome. However, Nioh 2 goes above and beyond its predecessor by including the new Yokai Shift ability which allows the protagonist to utilize new powerful forms to defeat even the most formidable yokai in battle. Much like the previous title which garnered much praise from fans and critics alike, Nioh 2 contains an original profound story surrounding military commanders from the Sengoku period. Create your own original protagonist and embark on an adventure that will take you through devastated locales across Japan during the Sengoku period.

Experience the thrill of taking on hordes of fearsome yokai in a battle to the death in this brutal masocore Action RPG.